Original Prints

After experimenting with different types of print making, Carborundum – a type of collagraph, has emerged as Anna’s favourite. Carborundum is the ‘grit’ used to make sandpaper and by mixing it in a variety of ratios with glue and painting it onto a printing plate which is then inked up intaglio, tonal ranges can be created producing a relatively painterly print.

Anna adds colour during printing with hand made chine colle (collage) and after printing with pastel or watercolour. Monocrome areas, suggested shapes, and part finished lines contrast with splashes of colour providing a focus, whether its a flower, landscape or street. Although the printing plate can be used many times, Anna only makes around 10 prints and experiments with the colours and chine colle so that every print is individual.

Prints shown are examples of Anna’s work.

Spring Primula

Water Irises


Bluebells 2

Cherry Tree Branches

Foxgloves and Primula


Autumn Horse Chestnut

Irises 2